Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Here is a little of how we celebrated the day and the time coming up to it!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Isaias' 5th birthday!

Isaias wanted a dinosaur birthday this year! He woke up to a special birthday chair with dinosaurs set up around his plate and a special birthday boy crown! For breakfast we had dino foot print pancakes! Then the birthday boy opened his gift, his favorite was his new slipper followed closely by staying home from school! After that we headed out for a day of play! We went to an indoor playplace. It has an arcade and playground inside. The kids love it! Isaias won 100 tickets toward his next prize at the arcade! Avigael discovered she loves to drive the horses and all the kids love the "super fast" slides! Our friend even enjoyed herself! Then off to lunch at Dico's (kinda like KFC) with three local friends. After that we headed to the DQ for some icecream! Isaias and mommy shared a banana split! I say shared but he ate most of it! All in all he had a great day! Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet boy!

Friday, June 11, 2010


I know this has been along time in the making! Here a quick view of the last 5 1/2 months!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Children's Day!

Welcome to Children's Day, yes it is a national holiday and yes the boys, kinda, had the day off!
The boys school took their students and the students parents to The Expo Gardens. The gardens are set up to show different countries gardens so they have many beautiful displays of national gardens, flower beds, flower covered floats and a large vegetable growing area.

The boys were met by there teachers dressing in minority people clothing!
This is Micaias class and his teacher is in pink.

This is Elias and Isaias class, their teacher is at the front right hand corner.

The lady in the middle is Elias and Isaias teacher. Along with two other friends of ours!

Isaias trying on one of the teachers hats

Each different class "showed off" what they could do. They all sang a couple of songs!

Here is Elias and Isaias class doing a song about sleeping.

The school had a bunch of different costumes that they let the students try on and play with! Here is micaias being a cow with a little help from our good friend who joined us that day!

Isaias as a tiger, again with our friends help.

Elias being very cultural and giving the peace sign while having his picture taken

This is one of the minority dances that the park performed for the students.

Right before lunch the kids had to draw a picture about what they saw at the park.

Eating lunch! Always a favorite time of the day!

Below are things that we were able to do after lunch! There was a museum area showing historical and cultural things as well as a few different greenhouse areas growing flowers, vegetables, desert plants, and tropical plants!

A very detailed ship replica complete with cannons and fire towers!

The tropical plant greenhouse.

Elias took pictures of everything! I have 75 pictures of veggies and other things!

This was in the veggie growing area. The tent looking things are for growing squash plants and different vine type plants.

We stayed at the park from 8 am until 3:30pm. We came home tired but had had a great time!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Micaias 3rd Birthday!

Micaias loves frogs! So we had a "Hoppy" birthday party this year!

We had a fly cake (chocolate chips). The kids said "groooossss!" but there wasn't anything left on there plates after!

Here's the crazy gang of kids that came to celebrate! There were 10 kids in all.

This lady bug cake was from a friend as a gift! It went perfect with the theme and they didn't even know what the theme was!

Because we couldn't find anything that looked like froggy birthday hats the kids made there own when they came. It kept them busy for awhile and they all looked really cute when they were finished! Each one had different faces and noses!

The boys showing off there ice cream eating skills :0)

Micaias and his gifts!

" Look Mom!"

You can always find a helping hand when there are gifts to be opened!

Putting together a lego catapult he was given with dad!

We played "frog hop" (musical chairs with lily pads), ate watermelon worms, and popped bugs (popcorn) and swamp juice! He had a great time!

Micaias is crazy and 100% clown! Most of the time he has a smile on his face or is trying to get someone else to smile! Some of his favorite things are fish, turtles, frogs and planes! He loves his brothers and new sister and is very caring towards them. Yes he has a temper some days to match that red hair but we love the fact that he also has a stubborn "I will finish this" kind of attitude as well! We are so very thankful that we have had the privilege to be his parents the last three years!

Friday, March 19, 2010

What do you think?

We hope you enjoy this new way of posting some of our picture with a video. I know sometimes it takes a few extra minute to download them but hope its worth it! Write our email if you have any comments! Thanks for hanging out with us for a few minutes today!